Innova lights up The Academies Show
Held in the Birmingham NEC, it was a huge success with a comprehensive array of stands offering a wide range of different services for schools and academies as well as sessions from a selection of esteemed key note speakers. The Academies Show is well established as the UK’s leading event dedicated to providing information and contacts for academies and maintained schools. This year over 3,000 people attended.
The show gave school representatives the opportunity to talk to Innova and other academy and school service suppliers to see first-hand how their sites could benefit from redevelopment or new site developments. Innova’s stand was built around a working mock-up of one of our school science laboratories, demonstrating the key features and services we offer. Our team was on hand to guide school and academy representatives through our products, case studies and services.
Peter Smith, Director of Innova Design, enthused: “The event was fantastic for the company, with our stands attracting a lot of interest and securing a significant number of exciting leads. It was great to meet a lot of people from the industry and swap ideas with like minded individuals who share our philosophies and ethos.”
Session speakers at the event included representatives from Pupil Premium, OFSTED and the National College for Teaching and Leadership.
If you missed us at The Academies Show, we’ll be exhibiting again at the Birmingham NEC in November 2015. Attendance is free and provides an excellent opportunity to meet with service providers, bursars and school governors.